Meet the Builders — The Burnsteads | New Northwest Homes

Value the Name.

For more than half a century and well into our second generation of trusted home building, we have melded living wise with living well. The result: our well-earned and highly respected reputation for providing our customers every advantage. Our ongoing commitment to stewardship is at the foundation of every neighborhood we build; our daily determination to marry improved quality with beauty shapes every home carrying the reliable Burnstead name.

This continued vision is what defines us.

Home & Tradition

We believe that partnering with those ideals can make a difference in your home buying experience. That’s why the Burnsteads unwavering standards of quality, customer service excellence and design genius have kept them at the forefront for over 50 years.

With so many competing for your home buying choice, very few can boast a Northwest history that spans a lifetime. And only one shares a triple legacy of excellence so that you can inherit the traditions of home.